Rural Veterans Outreach: Boswell American Legion
May 7 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
All Veterans and Community Members Welcome! Join us for a light lunch, networking, and resource sharing at the Boswell American Legion Post 461.
This no-cost event will have Veteran experts and Advocates available to discuss and present Veteran-related topics, such as benefits, claims, caregiving, discharge upgrades, healthcare, PTSD, veteran support groups, homelessness, outreach & enrollment, military medals & records, vocational rehabilitation, Cambria County Veterans Treatment Court, and job search assistance.
Attending Agencies:
- Somerset County Veteran Affairs Office
- Altoona VA Medical Center
- PA Department of Military and Veteran Affairs
- PA National Guard Family Readiness Program
- Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 364
- Disabled American Veterans Chapter 2
- Conemaugh Valley Veterans
- Congressman Guy Reschenthaler’s Office
- Dick’s Woodworks
- Somerset County Military Family Support Group
- Larry Mattes Foundation
- Veteran Community Initiatives (VCI)
More to come!
If your agency is interested in joining this event, please contact our office at (814) 255-0355 and ask for Josh Hauser.